The 'Dowry' project is a unique creative dialogue between the past and the present, tradition and modernity. At the heart of the phygital project is the image of a woman whose identity and self-expression are at the crossroads of Old Russian culture and the rapidly changing digital world. Using the traditional wood painting techniques of the Old Russian masters, the artist creates modern artistic images that combine elements of national identity and features of 21st century femininity. Decorative motifs inspired by historical artefacts are set against images of girls whose appearance and lifestyle reflect the influence of digital culture. The digital layer of AR reflects the daily flicker of pixels across faces from gadget screens. The patterns in the paintings are layered into levels that must be fixed in the mind, as if the viewer were in a computer game. In this way it was also possible to reflect the methods of working with silkscreen — applying the prints layer by layer.

Series “Dowry“_ar

Phygital project in collaboration with contemporary artist Lilia Kovalevskaya (St. Petersburg)

Dowry|ar. MEMORY in NATURE | digital art gallery

‘Arepey’ from the series Dowry_AR

Physical painting made in silkscreen technique (oak, acrylic, silkscreen, varnish, 50×45)

Dowry|ar. MEMORY in NATURE | digital art gallery

‘Bereginya’ from the series Dowry_AR

Physical painting made in silkscreen technique (oak, acrylic, silkscreen, varnish, 50×45)

Dowry|ar. MEMORY in NATURE | digital art gallery

‘Horovod’ from the series Dowry_AR

Physical painting made in silkscreen technique (oak, acrylic, silkscreen, varnish, 50×45)

Dowry|ar. MEMORY in NATURE | digital art gallery

‘Pridanoe’ from the series Dowry_AR

Physical painting made in silkscreen technique (oak, acrylic, silkscreen, varnish, 50×45)